YouthConnekt Award

• YouthConnekt Award 2018 and I was in Top90 attended the bootcamp at National level and Got a Certificate
• YouthConnekt Award 2019 and I became in Top50 with an Agritech innovation named Smart Irrigated Akarima which Awarded 500,000 Rwf ($500)
• YouthConnekt Innovators Caravan-Trip to Nairobi, Kenya in June 2019, Where I gained a lot of experience from peers and industrial technology in Kenya

MTN Yolo Hackathon

We participated at MTN Yolo Hackathon Challenge Award Competition and we came in Top5, We granted a 1year Data hosting with MTN infrastructure, Free MoMo Transactions for 1 year and we granted also to make our website free for Users within 6months


• Young Entrepreneur COVID-19 Resilience Fund 2021, I developed an innovation which helped youths especially students in TVET Schools, where they were able to apply online internships via and I link them to companies for internships during off-schools period. This platform named Africa Digital Internship Linkage became among 76 new innovations and funded 1,000,000 Rwf ($1,000). This COVID Resilience Fund was launched by Ministry of Youth and Culture Rwanda in Partnership with UNDP and KOICA
• We have been selected in a 3 months coaching program by Digital Opportunity Trust named DOT Youth Street Team and we received $1,000USD Grant.